New Call Tracking Features
As part of our promise to our clients to continually improve our product, we have recently developed two new call tracking features. The new features can be used individually or can be used together.
Adding Extra Tracking Criteria
Additional call tracking criteria can be added to restrict or more clearly define the types of calls being tracked. The new criteria are in addition to the five tracking options currently available:
- Track just Google Paid
- Track Google Paid, Yahoo Paid, Bing Paid
- Track all references
- Track Google/Yahoo/Bing & All Organic
- Track CPC Campaign medium
Combined with our extra tracking criteria, there is now unlimited potential for tracking conditions.
Currently there are four extra tracking variables available:
- Lpg – landing page: Only track calls from a specific landing page.
- Ref – referral URL: Only track calls from a specific referral URL (e.g. Facebook).
- Ip – IP Address: Filter out certain IP addresses so these calls are not tracked.
- UA – User Agent: Only track calls made from specific browsers.
These variables (used in JavaScript) allow you add these specifications to your tracking criteria. For example you may run a Paid Search campaign which directs traffic to a specific landing page and may only want to track calls made from that landing page rather than all your Paid Search campaigns, or you may want to filter out certain IP addresses (such as those from staff phone or computers) so these calls are not tracked.
- match(/compaign1/); campaign1 is part of landing page URL.
- match(/facebook/); referral from facebook
- ip!=(‘’); filter out certain IP addresses such as customer’s home IP address
- match(/android/): ua.match(/iphone/) || us.match(/mobile/); only for mobile browser
Grouping CIDs
Multiple CIDs that have the same termination number and business identifier can be grouped together. As each CID can be setup to track calls based on a specific criteria, you can make sure a larger criteria or variation of call sources can be tracked.
For example, CID 001, 002 and 003 are set up each with their own criteria and each with their own set of rolling numbers. If a call is made and the web traffic matches the criteria of CID 001, a tracking number from the CID 001 pool will display. If 001 is not a match, it will cycle to 002. If 002 is not a match it will cycle to 003 and so on.
If the web traffic does not match any of the criteria, it will cycle back to 001 and display the non-call tracking number pool.
<script src=”//vxml4.plavxml.com/sited/ref/221-14381-g-10001-10002-10003″ />